Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, I haven't really posted since June, and since that time (ok, well it was mostly today, but whatever. It was still work) both mine and Alley's ( Zoinkers! ) blogs have been undergoing construction, and i must say that I'm pretty happy with how BOTH of them turned out. Now my blog has that lovely three column look ( it almost killed me to try and change the format, because,
a. I liked the little colored dots that were on there because they matched the colors and
b. to change the format you have to go and sort thought the HTML, and the writing (or typing) was small and there was a LOT of it. When I was following the instructions I wanted to throw my laptop down (which I wouldn't do because I was talking to Alley and if it broke I would probably never get a new one. lol).

And then I was trying to add these cute little turtles to my blog so that my (1 at the moment.) readers could play with them when they got sick of reading my babbling, but it didn't work! So I tried adding a fun tree frog (I was going for something green to match my current background, but the green didn't work...) so then I was like "You know what? Whatever. I just want some fun virtual animals for people to harass...Just kidding. So in that case, just find some animals, and put them on your blog." So then I turned to penguins. And guess what? ....yep! THEY DIDN'T WORK!!! ARGH! So no cute little animals for me, because Alley has fish on hers, but I don't want to take her fish. lol

and i have some more blog-tastic news! alley got a new follower! her follower's blog is over at Waking up in a sleepy town with Sara. so now the "follower war" has begun.

And (you know it's coming! ....) in other news!

Alleys obsession with romance is contagious, because I'm coming down with it too! The romance monster has reared it's rather gorgeous head and its now constantly trying to take down all of my other thoughts and fight to the front lines. Here's the way i described it.

The monster is beating down my other thoughts that are trying to be thunk (lol, is that a word when it's used on these terms?) , and while it's doing this, it's lifting weights, and getting stronger all the while.

And also, a fairly decent way to describe it is, you know how in video games (well, maybe you, don't but now you will) , there are normally
-grunt type things: The very minor guys that don't really require effort or health to take care of. In my mind, the grunts of the thought world are stuff like "oh this pillow is soft!" and "what am i gonna have for lunch later?"

-mini bosses: The major bad guys before the big tough boss. They are a little but of a challenge, but they aren't that bad. and normally when you face these, you get some sort of cool weapon or prize. So in this case, not only would the romance monster would gain a decent amount of strength, as well as the fear of the other thoughts. It would also gain a higher rank since it beat down the last thought. Mini boss thoughts include things like "oh that guy's hot!" and "i should check my blog"

-bosses: the big guys. the toughies. the playground bullies. these guys are the hardest to beat, and require the most skill and health. when you beat them, it's totally worth it, and you defiantly get something good from them. in this situation, the bosses that the monster beats down are thoughts like "i'm hungry" (ok, so that one may not seem major, but i'm always hungry, so for me it kinda is.) and "i wanna hang out with my friends". when the romance monster beats down a main thought, it gains the front and center spotlight, and completely engulfs my brain for a least a few minutes. normally longer than that. lol

so that should explain the monster and its ways at least sorta. ok?

OK. and also,

i need to throw a party or something because i am really bored and i wanna hang out with my friends.

i've been talking to alley a ton, and we have like 8 different emails going on, and those emails have emails inside of them basically, because here's how they are.

topic #1

topic #2

topic #3,

and they're almost never related topics. lol

and then we stay up until like 4:30am half the time talking on IM and stuff.

so we're "besties" (gag-thats a really dumb word.)

i was gonna do a MENTAL segment, but I'm bored and tired, so I'll do it later....
-helcar Z.z


  1. I think i basically told you everything already....and LOL! it's SOO gonna win over your brain, and then even decorate the bad side in little pink hearts, and make duke change his armor to like a nice and besties is UGH. how about BEST FRIEND! lol. and you know IT"S ON! and i will BEAT YOU! since i already have ONE WHOLE MORE BLOGGER THAN YOU! Nit a fourth, or a third, or even a half, but a WHOLE! lol

  2. lol NOOOOO! and if the duke is gonna wear a tux, he's totally gonna have to make it cool before he even can CONSIDER wearing it! yeah, i know. i just put bestie in there becuase i know how horrible that word is. lol and you KNOW WHAT?! YOU'RE ON!!!
