Friday, July 10, 2009

A cry for help

I was just wondering how to get the cool tag box thingy (can't you tell i know my terminology?) that these people have...

Sizzling Publications

The Secret Life of Tova Darling

Along with half of the blogging universe.

-helcar : I


  1. OMG!!! If you figure out how to get it...TELL ME!!! I obvi (lol. obvi, obvi) don't have it and DEF want it!!!

  2. Lol! I guess you're referring to the label cloud...I totally wish I knew how to do that myself so I could help you. Krystyn at Krizzy Designs did that for me when she designed my blog. But if you go to Blogger Help and type in Label Cloud, there is a step by step instruction guide on how to do that. Peace and hairgrease!
