Monday, November 30, 2009

Merry Thanksgivingmas!

*Bursts in wearing a Santa hat* HO HO HO! MEEEEEEEEEEEERRY CHRISTMAS! Whats that? Oh, too soon? Hehe, my bad. Ah well. How was y'all's Thanksgiving? I would like to make a formal apology to anyone who thinks that I was knocking Thanksgiving, because I personally LOVE it. I mean I love eating and that's what you do on that day! But my loving family still made fun of me for eating a lot even though you're supposed to on Thanksgiving :( .I would like to be thankful for (I'll do 7 things since that seems to be the blogging world's favorite number...)

1.My family-No matter HOW much I complain about them, I still love them. From my creeper Mom to my murderous little Alexandra.

2.My friends-They keep me sane.

3.My pets-They also play a part in keeping me sane-well, except for maybe Rouge...he's a little worthless.

4.TiVO-As much as I love my computer, I don't want to have to fish it out and search crazily through the interweb to find full, episodes of my shows WITHOUT issues.

5.Cellies and the Internet-How else would I drive my mom crazy by constantly talking to my friends everywhere I am?

6.Food-Maybe this should've been higher on the list, because I freakin love this stuff. Oh well.

7. My bloggy peeps-My blog is an vent, and other peoples blogs can do anything from make me burst out laughing in the middle of my family room floor (which drives Victoria crazy) to make me hungry (well, actually, that's a lie-I'm always hungry-it just makes me drool)

8. Scary movies and books (particularly Stephen King books!)-They're awesome even though they probably don't help my insanity.

Ok so I lied. I did eight things. There's probably more stuff that I can type up that I'm thankful for, but I'm going to stop there because there ARE other matters on our agenda tonight.

Next up, we have an award. In my head, the crowd is cheering on one side and groaning on the other. As much as I love awards, I HATE trying to come up with facts. I'm just not good at it.

1.Thank the award sharing fiend
2.Copy the award onto your blog
3.Give the usual amount of facts (it's seven btw)
3.Don't be greedy, pass it on to seven more bloggers
4.Let the bloggers know you gave it to them (aka post a comment on their blog)
I would just like to say now that I'm not going to post comments for this one because I am an extremely busy high schooler what with finals coming up the DAY AFTER TOMORROW O.O , so although this is probably bad etiquette, that's too bad. I'll do it next time if I'm not shunned.

1.The area between my first and second knuckle on my fingers is generally lighter than the rest of my hand.

2.Chocolate is amazing. Especially with caramel. Just sayin.

3.I have a love hate relationship with my laptop (for example, just before I typed this, my internet stopped working so I tiredly got off my bed, scrambled upstairs, back downstairs while holding up my laptop hoping for my internet to come back. Finally after I disconnected from the network then reconnected, it came back)

4.I do basketball, track, and cross country

5.I love being outside in the woods and stuff.

6.My favorite author is probably Stephen King.

7.I am a big fan of the Washington Redskins. Why you ask? Because I was raised that way.

Ok so that should about cover it. Lets go with what my friend over at Zoinkers! did (thank you for this award by the way) and say that if you are on my list of blogs and you want this beast, then you can have it!

OH MY FREAKIN GAWD. Finals are coming up and they will be my first ever finals and I kinda hope I don't fail them.

So basketball started, (which I'm pretty sure I told you) and we have our first official game tomorrow, and I GET TO START! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Hopefully I don't totally screw things up. And the 9th grade team got spiffy new uniforms, so that makes it even better!

Finally, well I THINK it's finally, on Black Friday, I got to hang out with Mark and Lauren (sigh. just kidding...maybe) it was fun. We hung out at the monster mall (whose name is omitted for safety purposes) and we just kinda wandered, then we ate at a fancy italian place and Mark and I shared a pizza, and he gave me bread-hes so funny- and then we wandered some more and then we went bowling. It was amazingly fun. Here's some highlights.

-reading books out loud at Barnes and Nobles
-sharing pizza
-"having swagger" and walking into a store all funny just because of the cool beat that the music had...and then walking right back out.
-multiples times he said, "haha I love you" (not like <3-more like home dawg love. Its still cool)
And in the store that we walked into, (we went back in to look around with Laurens parents later) he picked up a mustache Christmas tree ornament and held it up and I have a picture of it that I was going to put on here until i remembered that its on my cell phone and this is sorta a anonymous-ish blog. I just don't want this to be read by some person that just happens to know him and then shows him the blog...that would be BAD. Seriously. I had a whole mental freak attack about all that could happen or has possibly already happened.

Finally, I got some music on my PSP! This is good because I've been meaning to do it, and also, I can't find my iPod. Unfortunately, it took like 2 hours to get 50 songs on there because my computer hates me, so I had to
a.reload the CD onto my computer that I wanted to put on the PSP
b.sync no more that TWO SONGS AT A TIME onto the thing
c.transfer the songs through 3 different folders so they would show up
d.disconnect my PSP about every four songs otherwise it wouldn't sync anymore songs.

and I managed to do this with about 4 CD's before I had to do homework and go grocery shopping with my mom. I'll continue to do this since I have a long weekend this week-although Friday is busy- I have some drill thing that I volunteered for in the morning, and then another basketball game.

I'm pretty sure that my tired brain has destroyed whatever I was going to talk about next, so lets stop here. The post is probably long enough anyways.

And a happy New Year...
-Helcar :D

Monday, November 16, 2009

Whats's Crackalackin My Homedawgz?!

So I hope its not your knuckles that are crackalackin, cuz that would make it awfully hard to reply to my post! (JK-just kidding for the slanguage inept) As you may have noticed if you've even left the home, apartment, cave or trashcan you live in, the entire world (well not the ENTIRE world.) is preparing for Christmas!!! I'm talking having up two isles of Christmas decorations (AND the back shelves) next to the Halloween stuff! In honor of this occasion beloved to MANY people, I'm posting this video of Reliant K's rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas-along with some idiots waliling along to it.

At first its not too bad, but like rowdy drunks at a bar, they get louder and louder as the video progresses. Don't blame me, blame youtube and the people it invites into its life. At least they're spreading Christmas cheer. I'll put a video below it, which is just a girl doing a guitar cover, so the only thing is that the guitar is a little louder than normal. Otherwise, its great! (A.k.a. if you wanna watch the guys and MAYBE laugh, then watch that one. If you just want to hear the song and continue reading-or watch the girl beast the cover- play the second one!!)

Also in recent news, the word "unfriend" is the word of the year and is being added into the dictionary along with some other slang words (or something like that. I skimmed the article on it. I mean come on. I'm a teenager.)

I just wanted to tell you that you may (or possibly not. I'm working on the may because its what I think I should do) have a new friend coming to the bloggy world! I mean I'm not sayin they'll have a blog, but be nice to them if they visit!!

Finally, my legs don't quite feel like they're gonna fall off and I got new basketball shoes.

BTW: I'm going to be gone all of this weekend AND Thursday and Friday because of NYLSC. So I know I post SOO often, but please don't disown me for dissapearing for a few days ok? :)

On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Headphones to drone out my family! Thank you true love!
-Helcar :)

Oh and PS: I'll probably-I take that back- I WILL post at least ONE MORE song before the actual Christmas, and at that point, I'll probably go crazy! I mean I'm half tempted to change my blog layout for Christmas. Of course the lazy teen monster in me wins that battle and decides that its a lot of unnecessary work in the end. If you don't like it, then that's just TOO BAD!

PPSS:What's that? I skipped Thanksgiving? The beloved holiday about eating and watching football?...Er..I mean thanks? Well I'm sorry, I must've caught public fever. The only thing that remembers to include Thanksgiving at the holiday party is Macy's (Wait...they have a Thanksgiving parade right? RIGHT?!) So give 'ol Thanksies my apologies and tell them that I'll send them a Christmas card.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Ok, well I think one of the hardest things about blogging, at least for me, is coming up with a title for the post, but thats NOT what I showed up to talk about! I have a new follower AND an award!! :D thank you to the amazing Janice for the follow and award. :)
Um, well as you may or may not know, depending on how much you know about the awards us blogs like to pass on ( there are rules.

1.Thank your host (a.k.a, who gave you the award)
3.Get to the postin!
4.Give us addicts the standard set amount of facts (7 in this case)
5.Keep the award going. Pass it on to 7 others.
6. Inform the lucky contestants of your gift to them!
7. Be Cool!

Ok, so um... lets see *holds up hand and starts counting off fingers* um, passing on..coolness? that's gonna be tough. OK!

1. I might have slight anger management issues...its just a guess. lol

2. I don't really care about compliments, but my brain says "nope. LIES. that compliment does not apply to you" and gets embarassed when people say that I'm super smart (WHICH I'M NOT!) or good at something.

3. I'm not the most trusting with all the personal facts and junk about me. Its a miracle that I'm blogging.

4. I hate talking about myself or writing papers about myself. It makes me feel awkward and like I'm focusing on myself (I don't mind blogging because its a diary type thing and those were made to talk about yourself.)

5. I only own one dress-which brings me to my next fact.

6. I HATE dressing up (not like Halloween, like dress clothes.) and that kinda stuff.

7. I have terrible memory when it comes to stuff like remembering homework, something that my mom told me to do, or remembering plays for stuff like basketball (although that might be an adrenaline thing because I can go into practice an remember the plays an then get to a game and blank out when they are called.)

And now, the nominees!

Yella- Zoinkers!

Mr. Gasteier- FU Penguin

Winna- Winna Life

Rachel- And if its a Hero That You Want, I Can Save You

Ebony- Sizzling Publications

Phoebe- My Pink'n'Black Montage (who, btw, I can't comment on your blog for some reason.)

Diane-Contentedly Neurotic

and also, I just thought I would let you know what a dedicated person I internet closed FIVE TIMES while I was trying to type this post! Yes. I love you bloggy peeps.

That is all! Hopefully...
-Helcar :D

Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh what a relief it is!

After the nice men in the white coats told me to eat some ice cream and calm down before they gave me the straitjacket again, I felt much better! Especially with that shot they gave me? *twitch* Haha. Just kidding.

But not much is going on over here on the home front. Basketball started today, and with the awesome killer-happy man to deal with for four months, I continue on my path to having my brain turn to mush before my senior year! But then again, it might just be mush already.

I have been diagnosed with withdrawal and I believe that it might just be a correct diagnosis. "What? The crazy girl in withdrawal? Did you forget to take your meds?" No! I told you I throw them in the sink when they give them... I mean um, I may be in withdrawal from a certain thing that is designated the name "The M word" in the tags. For those of you who are too lazy to find the common denominator, that would be Mark. Lets just leave it at that. The romance monster has revolted and is waging all out war on my sensible side, and that's enough of a problem. I'm not going to help it by opening my mouth.

So anywho, I know I'm a regular chatzilla and all, but I have to do homework, so this is all you're getting right now!

Stay tuned for next post's episode...
-Helcar :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

...And Misery Loves Company.

*cue annoying news update music*-We interrupt this program to bring you some good 'ol teenage rage, courtesy of helcar. Stay tuned, the scheduled program will return shortly...maybe-
Well isn't this just the Friday from hell? (Just a warning, if you don't want to read this whiny anger post, then go ahead, you can walk away and come back when I have up a different post. See if you like it better. I wouldn't blame you.) But Fridays are supposed to be fun and great and everything. When I was at school, it was fun and stuff (well, other than the nagging in the back of my mind about the events that were to come...) and like if I ignored the school part it was great. Even when I went home, it was still ok. But now EVERY DAY I dread when my mom comes home. I don't want to hear her screaming and yelling and blaming me and Victoria for EVERYTHING while Alexandra turns up her precious Hannah Montana and gets none of the tongue lashing.
And before I get too much of my annoyance out and lose my head (forgive any language that slips through the parental barriers of my mind. I'm kinda pissed right now.) I'd just like to let you know that I DO realize that there are people that are a hundred times worse off than I am right now.)
So anyways, when I went to Alley's Halloween thing (which was fun) and I was supposed to clean the ENTIRE lower level of my house, which is always the messiest. I cleaned the basement and my room and my bathroom and went to the party thinking I was off-free-liberated from the madhouse that I live in. My mom comes to pick me up and she's all-yeah you're grounded for two weeks.. Why? Because the basement and my room "weren't clean" YES THEY WERE.

Commencement of my mom's crazy Nazi slave driver phase was on an unknown date, but it was now in full out rage power-up swing. Not only had she given me a job list that included
-clean, vaccuum, dust the basement
-","," your room.
-Clean the Chinchilla cage
-Clean the kitty litter
-vaccuum the basement steps
-clean your bathroom
and this all had to be done by 2pm on that day (even if an alarm is set, I normally don't get up till at least 9 or 10am.

She comes home, complains about how we don't do anything and we don't love the animals because we dont do anything with them (I fill up Rio's water dish like every 4 min, play with him all the time, feed him and teach him tricks. I also clean the chinchilla cage and take care of their food and water and treats 24/7. What more does she want?) Then tells us how lazy we are and tells us to pick up or do the dishes or something.

Then, since I may or may not have mentioned that we were supposed to be finding homes for the two girl cats, Patches and Princess. I no longer have Patches. We dropped her off at her new owner's house tonight, and we were supposed to do the same for Princess, but the people who were supposed to get her didn't pick up their phone so we couldn't get their address. All day long, I got to think about how the cat's that I've had and taken care of were being taken away from me. They had to go because "the didn't like each other and they didn't like the dog and Princess pees on the floor because she's all territorial over everything." So yeah.

Also, this girl on my cross country team (we have the banquet on Tuesday, and knowing how much my mom loves me right now, she'll probably ban me from that, in which case I will tell her to take a flying leap and walk to the school if I have to.) made it to STATE. This girl is seriously amazing. She's an 8th grader, and she got 8th place in the Varsity race at sectionals-which had like 17 schools at it- and she is the #1 Varsity runner. I was going to go to the meet tomorrow to support her, because if someone you were on a team with went to state, you probably would want to go because thats like AMAZING, especially when you're running against the top high school runners from each school. I wasn't even going to make my mom take me to the meet, because Clara had offered to take me to the meet (and then her sis' basketball game) and my mom was like "NO. Anything that allows you to be around your friends is banned in your groundation because you tried to flimflam me". Firstly, WHO says FLIMFLAM?! But also, despite begging, reasoning and being angry, she continued to say no (when she lets Alexandra do whatever when she's grounded) and so I can't even go to a SPORTING EVENT to support MY TEAMMATE because my mom says that I'd be able to hang out with my friends.

I am so f-ing frustated that I just want to scream or cry or punch a wall (or my mom...) but I CAN'T. Because that would trigger more complaining. All the the techniques to dissapate all this pent up anger (some good angry rock music, throwing weight pieces at the basement floor and making lovely dents-which I am just waiting for my mom to notice-, punching pillows, excersising, its NOT making me any less angry. UGH.

It doesn't make sense to me that I should have to be the slave/scapegoat and be blamed for everything, while my sister can do a half a$$ed job of dusting and not do any of her other jobs and get off scott free. Why do I get grounded from my one salvation when I do something "wrong" while my sisters get grounded from something that doesn't even matter to them? WHY do I have to put up with my mom who is practically bi-polar and cursing me out one minute then trying to kiss me on the cheek, and then she's pissed when I'm not embracing her with open arms?! My mom says she wishes we would be out of the house and then says we can't go anywhere. I don't ask her for money, I don't get in trouble in OR out of school, and I obey practically her every whim. So WHY does she see fit to act like a total b*tch to me 90% of the time?

On the-well I don't know if its a plus or downside, becuase I guess it sorta depends- Clara is beginning to see the frustration I endure with the Mark situation. Its not as simple as it seems, and you only ACTUALLY understand it if you've experienced it. I won't go into any more detail for that because I deem it unnecessary.

We wear the mask that grins and lies
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,--
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tourtured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath the feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!

--Paul Laurence Dunbar
The scheduled program will return shortly...
-Helcar. :I