Thursday, November 12, 2009


Ok, well I think one of the hardest things about blogging, at least for me, is coming up with a title for the post, but thats NOT what I showed up to talk about! I have a new follower AND an award!! :D thank you to the amazing Janice for the follow and award. :)
Um, well as you may or may not know, depending on how much you know about the awards us blogs like to pass on ( there are rules.

1.Thank your host (a.k.a, who gave you the award)
3.Get to the postin!
4.Give us addicts the standard set amount of facts (7 in this case)
5.Keep the award going. Pass it on to 7 others.
6. Inform the lucky contestants of your gift to them!
7. Be Cool!

Ok, so um... lets see *holds up hand and starts counting off fingers* um, passing on..coolness? that's gonna be tough. OK!

1. I might have slight anger management issues...its just a guess. lol

2. I don't really care about compliments, but my brain says "nope. LIES. that compliment does not apply to you" and gets embarassed when people say that I'm super smart (WHICH I'M NOT!) or good at something.

3. I'm not the most trusting with all the personal facts and junk about me. Its a miracle that I'm blogging.

4. I hate talking about myself or writing papers about myself. It makes me feel awkward and like I'm focusing on myself (I don't mind blogging because its a diary type thing and those were made to talk about yourself.)

5. I only own one dress-which brings me to my next fact.

6. I HATE dressing up (not like Halloween, like dress clothes.) and that kinda stuff.

7. I have terrible memory when it comes to stuff like remembering homework, something that my mom told me to do, or remembering plays for stuff like basketball (although that might be an adrenaline thing because I can go into practice an remember the plays an then get to a game and blank out when they are called.)

And now, the nominees!

Yella- Zoinkers!

Mr. Gasteier- FU Penguin

Winna- Winna Life

Rachel- And if its a Hero That You Want, I Can Save You

Ebony- Sizzling Publications

Phoebe- My Pink'n'Black Montage (who, btw, I can't comment on your blog for some reason.)

Diane-Contentedly Neurotic

and also, I just thought I would let you know what a dedicated person I internet closed FIVE TIMES while I was trying to type this post! Yes. I love you bloggy peeps.

That is all! Hopefully...
-Helcar :D