So I hope its not your knuckles that are crackalackin, cuz that would make it awfully hard to reply to my post! (JK-just kidding for the slanguage inept) As you may have noticed if you've even left the home, apartment, cave or trashcan you live in, the entire world (well not the ENTIRE world.) is preparing for Christmas!!! I'm talking having up two isles of Christmas decorations (AND the back shelves) next to the Halloween stuff! In honor of this occasion beloved to MANY people, I'm posting this video of Reliant K's rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas-along with some idiots waliling along to it.
At first its not too bad, but like rowdy drunks at a bar, they get louder and louder as the video progresses. Don't blame me, blame youtube and the people it invites into its life. At least they're spreading Christmas cheer. I'll put a video below it, which is just a girl doing a guitar cover, so the only thing is that the guitar is a little louder than normal. Otherwise, its great! (A.k.a. if you wanna watch the guys and MAYBE laugh, then watch that one. If you just want to hear the song and continue reading-or watch the girl beast the cover- play the second one!!)
Also in recent news, the word "unfriend" is the word of the year and is being added into the dictionary along with some other slang words (or something like that. I skimmed the article on it. I mean come on. I'm a teenager.)
I just wanted to tell you that you may (or possibly not. I'm working on the may because its what I think I should do) have a new friend coming to the bloggy world! I mean I'm not sayin they'll have a blog, but be nice to them if they visit!!
Finally, my legs don't quite feel like they're gonna fall off and I got new basketball shoes.
BTW: I'm going to be gone all of this weekend AND Thursday and Friday because of NYLSC. So I know I post SOO often, but please don't disown me for dissapearing for a few days ok? :)
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Headphones to drone out my family! Thank you true love!
-Helcar :)
Oh and PS: I'll probably-I take that back- I WILL post at least ONE MORE song before the actual Christmas, and at that point, I'll probably go crazy! I mean I'm half tempted to change my blog layout for Christmas. Of course the lazy teen monster in me wins that battle and decides that its a lot of unnecessary work in the end. If you don't like it, then that's just TOO BAD!
PPSS:What's that? I skipped Thanksgiving? The beloved holiday about eating and watching football?...Er..I mean thanks? Well I'm sorry, I must've caught public fever. The only thing that remembers to include Thanksgiving at the holiday party is Macy's (Wait...they have a Thanksgiving parade right? RIGHT?!) So give 'ol Thanksies my apologies and tell them that I'll send them a Christmas card.
Good, Good...You got it to work! Anywho (you prolly already know anyways) I've given you an award!