Wednesday, May 27, 2009

updates on the fly!

ok so here's the daily news by person

so far, the "crush knowing" war continues to rage-i think they think i like Hank because they've asked that like 4 times. the only thing is though, he breaks one of the guidelines i gave them and I'm not sure they know that. (hank has blue eyes-i noticed because the bright blue shirt he was wearing today made them look weird. but anywho.)

found out who she "sorta" (i think that's just a: i don't like him very much when he's being an idiot excuse)

likes Cheshy, but refuses to do anything about it
thinks its weird that there's a mutual dislike between me and him

same old same old. lol she got in the pictures though, and also, i don't think she knows that i don't really care that she likes Pinnochio (even though i don't understand why she does) i just like harassing her because she spazzes out about him a LOT

nothing much. same old same old pretty much.

is making me want to jam a pen down her throat because whenever we get on the crush topic she tries to glorify herself so I'll tell her who i like. for example she says "you can tell me! i wont tell anyone! besides, who was the person that knew Mark's last name (even though i DID tell her first) and who was the person that knew who anna liked and didn't even say that she knew???"

her parents are trying to make her go to Boringwater.
still won't spill who she likes. (ARGH!)

so maybe I'll elaborate later...i still have to do a story post!

darn. my schedule got all messed up today...
-helcar Z_Z zzzzzz


  1. hmmm, so far, i am doing better than you on this whole thing...and ppl you think might not be on the radar for pestering maybe should helping you, because i KNOW all the crushes of everyone in the BOM!!! lol, i'm WINNING!!!! :D

  2. oh and don't you actually sorta like hank anywho?

  3. lol whatever you're the social butterfly secret prier not me. i dont really care about the war that much anymore. i'm just trying to keep my secret in the box, which includes locking you in there with it i're prancing on the fine line between secret-ism and just telling them! pestering who though? clara? and thats beside the point.

  4. ok...i think i've had enough dancing anywho...i got enough out of my system and the system nearly had and overload that would totally crash it if i werent forgiven about the whole anna i'm stepping back again and going back to the TOTALLY loyal secret vault/keeper... :)

  5. lol its ok though. you're forgiven. :)

  6. so i heard anna might of let something slip out in front of bethany.....details plzzzzz!!!

  7. lol gawd! how do you hear this all so quick?! bethany has a sticker that says sunshine, and anna was like "can i have that plz?" in some other class, and bethany was like "why?" and anna was like "because i want to put it on something" and apparantly she had her *heehee! >:P* face/tone because bethany was like "what?"and then anna was like "OH!" and covered her mouth, and bethany was like "does it have to do with rachel?" and thats all i remember from what bethany told me. so she knows about the nickname, but nothing else. i'm really tempter to just tell her for some reason...
