Sunday, May 31, 2009

AHHH! :'(

ok. more updates on the fly since i have to do a major poetry project.

-alley is going to Stillwater :'(
-Anna figured out who i like :'(
-now veonica is never going to shut up about how she's more trustworthy than the others and i should tell her who i like :'(
-I have 800 projects and tests all coming up shortly :'(
-i have yet to re-confront my mom on the party issue and the end of the year is coming up :'(
-everyone is getting their own e-mail, so i can finally have some privacy and change the password! :D

i have stuff to do, so that will be all for now...
-helcar :'(


  1. YEAH TO THE SINGLE EMAIL!!!! and wow, 800 projects is sure alot!!! lol :)

  2. I KNOW!!!! :D and yes it is! thats my i'm mentally falling apart at the seams!

  3. lol, i think i might have a few loose seams to! lol, so is it officially just your email now?

  4. lol i know. not quite yet though. alex is already out, but i'm waiting on vic. :(
