Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm Sorry, Please Don't Leave Me.

Well, I'm glad to see that some people are still following me, even though I'm kinda being the worst blogger EVER. But I've been busy oK?! Between cross country, school, and my new dog (WE GOT A NEW DOG!!) I barely have time to BREATHE! I wake up, go to school, go to cross country, go home, do homework, eat, do homeowork, watch tv for 20 mins and go to bed. Fun right? Oh well. So we have some matters to attend to in this session of blabbering. Lets get on with this. All people reading answer AYE if you wish to hear this. Actually, you know what? Just shut up because I can't hear you and I'm saying it anyways (please dont think I'm screaming shut up at you. I'm just saying forget about it cuz it doesn't make a difference.)

First and Foremost, I GOT AN AWARD!!! Thank you Frannie! I would like to thank my few (and much loved and appreciated ) followers for believing in me! Sadly, I got this award on the 2nd of September, so here's the deal:


1) Thank the blogger who gave you the award: I DONT NEED TO THANK THEM! I"M SOOOOO AWESOME THAT I DESERVE IT! (Just kidding, thank you for the award :) )

2) Copy award and place it on my blog: are you looking at this?

3) Link to blog the nominated you: mhm mhm.

4) List 7 things about myself my fellow bloggers may not know: umm, do i HAVE to stay up for an extra half an hour to think of seven things?!
Unfortunatly, with me being EVER so technologically savvy, my award picture is at the top of my post. I'm sorry.

Ok here goes nothing.

1)I'm not sure WHY I'm running cross country, because I'm a sprinter. I run 100m hurdles and 100m dash. NOT 4000m.

2)For haloween (since I'm a total weirdo) I'm going to be an escaped experiment victim. That includes all sorts of fun special effects makeup. WOO!

3)I got in trouble for making fun of a kid in kindergarten.

4)When I got in trouble that time, it was the last time i ever got in trouble in school because my parents nearly KILLED me.

5)I am addicted to Bath and Body Works. That place is amazing.

6)When I'm not having a stroke of genius, I'm pathetically stupid. I'm not even like average smart. I'm just kinda braindead.

7) I use a lot of parenthesis when I'm blogging becuase I have a lot of thoughts going on, and if I added all the ideas for something into one sentence, then it would be a very long and uncomprehensible run-on.

Oh, and Um, I'm kinda supposed to pass this on instead of hogging it like a selfish weirdo, so here we go:


Sara- Waking Up in a Sleepy Town

Winna- Winna Life

Ebony-Sizzling Publications

UP for no REASON-Retrospective of a Random Guy

Phoebe- My Pink 'n' Black Montage

Diane-Contentedly Neurotic

Ok so there you go. On with the task at hand...

So that's one thing off the list. Secondly, I feel the need to inform you that I'm pretty sure that I'm not friends with Veronica. She freaked out (I think its because at the freshmen orientation-thats right. I'm a high schooler!- we didn't talk to her for like 5 sec so she walked away and now she acts like I'm not even there, and its kinda immiture if you ask me.) and now she's hanging out with different people (that last year she said she didn't like most of them) and she rolls her eyes and walks away when I talk to her. It doesn't really matter to me though because she was SUPER dramatic last year and i had to tiptoe across the ice to NOT make her mad. So whatever.

WE GOT A DOG! His name is Rio, he is a yellow lab, and he is ADORABLE. He's 2 1/2 because we adopted him and he has a puppy face. He's amazing.

Clara likes a different person (SHH!). THANK GOD. And I very muh approve of her new choice. He's pretty cute and he has a nice bod. Enough said.

Hm. I don't know what else to tell you! I might as well stop there, and I'll just make sure I keep up better with the blogging.

Its good to be back...
-Helcar :)


  1. Yay! Congrats! Thank you so much Helcar!

  2. WOOT! my 2ND AWARD!!! Thank you! So how's Wrinkle (or was it doing with the new house anywho? Have you gotten rid of his ear thingy yet?

  3. RIO. lol :P he's doing great, but the two girls are going because they fight with each other and they HATE the dog. tiger likes him though! and i think his ear thing is gone?

  4. OMG OMG OMG I GOTZ AN AWARD?!!! *girlishly screams*
    awwww cute! You got a dawggie!!! (sorry, I feel hyper...because I gotz a BOYFRiEND NOW!!!!!!!!!! *girlishly screams again*) :D
